Saturday, November 18, 2006


I picked up Tom Wright's book Evil and the Justice of God (IVP, 2006). I was struck by this idea:

"This... is a kind of response to the problem of evil. Postmodernism, in recognizing that we are all deeply flawed, aviods any return to a classic doctrine of original sin by claiming that humans have no fixed "identity" and hense no fixed responsibility. You can't escape evil within postmodernity, but you can't find anyone to take the blame either."

Wright goes on to give an example from England when no one was held responsible for a rail accident becuase you can't find anyone to take the blame either...

This seems to match up with the idea of plurality that I think seems to be a "doctrine" of postmodern thought.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Christian Apologetics

"religious pluralism is a normative thesis about diversity..."

"the bad news: no religion is true
the good news: it doesn't matter; it will all turn out okay in the end"

"religious pluralism looks a lot like secularism w/ incense"

if i am beginning to understand this issue... i am understanding that Jesus is a great model for the dialogue needed with postmodern friends, he was a great question asker, he acted with compassion...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

another worthwile resource is

this blog called the JesusCreed

a link to a helpful article

by Earl Creps on "Disciplemaking in a Postmodern World" its worth a look...

the blog of Mr. Creps is here

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

another summary of modernism

as a modernist, i need further clarification of modernism so that i can further comprehend postmodernism... i have found this summary by Erickson helpful...

"In general, modernism was seeking for an explaination that would cover all things. So the great systems of the of the modern period were omniexplanatory. Darwinism accounted for everything in terms of biological evolution. Freudian psycology explained all human behavior in light of sexual repression, and unconscious forces. marxism interpreted all events of history in economic categories, with the forces of dialectical materialism moving history toward the inevitable classess society. These ideologies offered universal diagnoses as well as universal cures." p. 164